
日期:2016-11-24  发布人:admin   作者:国际合作教育中心  来源:  浏览量:1538 打印本文



杨汶铮-经管系-Colorvision- Mall of America, Bloomington, MN


??? 到美国的第一站是芝加哥,刚下飞机就看到几名机场工作人员手推轮椅等候即将出现的残疾乘客,机场值机点可以自办托运,每台机器旁都有工作人员帮助旅客办理任何形式的手续,航站楼之间都有快铁进行乘客的运送,让我深深地感受到了美国服务业的人性化。

??? 初到达明尼阿波利斯的美国商城,我和另一名同伴完全是丈二和尚,因为这边的公共交通和中国有一定区别,比如这边公交车是按照时间表发车,你必须在时间线之前赶到站台才能及时上车;再比如这边的出租车并不会在街上随时游荡(LA,NY这样的特大城市除外),你要坐出租车必须给出租车公司打电话,说好地址让他来接你才行。正因如此,我们在那里找不到去旅店的方式,被搞昏了头。但这里的好心人真的很多,有一位黑人大叔看我们在那里瞎转悠,便给我们又是指路又是打电话叫旅店的摆渡巴士,直到把我们送上车为止。


??? 现在是2016年8月4日,我在美国已经生活了一月半多。我的心情已经由刚开始的兴奋外加一点点的忐忑不安转变为平淡乏味。整日奔走在住处与工作地点之间,除了工作便是吃饭与休息,真正能留给你仔细体验美国文化的时间并不是很多。

??? 但是,我的工作与其他一些做客房服务的同学的工作最大的区别在于我每天可以和成百上千的美国人进行或长或短的交流,这不就是我最初参加赴美带薪实习這项活动的初衷以及最终目的吗?也就是我梦寐以求想要的对自己口语能力的训练,每天解决不同客人提出的不同要求,使我的英语口语水平得到了提升,相比在国内的时候,我现在的英语口语虽说不上流利,但却能脱口而出而不需要再脑子里面过一遍。这确实是赴美带薪实习这项活动带给我的一大好处。




钱思敏-文理系-Eldorado Resort Casino, Reno, NV?


Since we arrived in San Francisco, we received great and enthusiastic help from local people. If we inquired the way, they would not only show us the way, but also took us there!?We were looking for the right route to our apartment.?Silver Legacy's bus took us there!?Sometimes they offered help initiatively. Some of them even spent nearly half an hour to help us get the place where we intended to go.

At Walmart, employees of Walmart did everything they could to help us, making things much easier for us new.?Another thing we found excellent is the beautiful blue clear sky. I couldn't keep my eyes from it the first time l saw it.

On my friend's birthday,?we went outside to have lunch and made ourselves dinner in the evening.?The cake tasted too sweet,?so I can say that we had a really sweet night, if you allow me.

I was afraid that l would not agree with the food here,?but it turned out it only need a few days to adapt dry weather.?I love American food!

On Bruce Festival,?we saw many new things here.?A lot of people outside, drinking water,?dancing with music or just listening to lovely songs. We played seesaw too,?and that's quite much fun.

Of course not everything was perfect,?and we did meet some people that were a little bit unfriendly.?But most memories of living here were so great that l was in good mood every day and always smiling.?

Local people's attitude toward life and the way they treat strangers really impressed me; I think that is part of the reason why l goes there.

I appreciate this wonderful opportunity and l believes l will live a wonderful life here.?I am looking forward to more new experience and fine food here.


It has been one month since we worked at El Dorado. How time flies!?

The novelty of being here has worn off, and l picked up some new ideas.I have already said that almost everyone here are quite gentle and nice to even strangers, now l?am being part of them. I?know that smell can make people please, but one might be regard as mentally ill people if he does so.?

It's like a chain reaction. One smile?is sent out, affect anyone been touched and come back with all these smiles, just like what happiness is. ?


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