「人馬一体感」に向けて意識的に行う身体動作のデザインに関する考察: 手指の構造変換を伴う体験型作品《Grasp(er)》を通じて

A Study on the Design of Conscious Body Movements Toward Sense of “Jinba Ittai”: Through “Grasp(er)”, an Experiential Artwork withHand-Finger Structure Transformation

人と道具、機械などの関係において、一方が他方を取り込む(embody)関係を扱う「embodiment」に関する研究が行われてきた。中でも、Botvinick & Cohen(1998)によるラバーハンド錯覚の報告に始まった「他者を身体化する」方向に関しては、VRやロボティクスにおける身体の拡張や、インタフェースにおける直感性を身体との関係から捉えるデザインへと応用がなされている。他方で、楽器演奏や馬術でそうであるように、「embodiment」には人が他者に合わせていくことで「他者と一体となる」という方向もあるはずだ。その関係が、「人馬一体」という言葉に現れている。こうした関係は、インタラクションの中でその人自らの学習のプロセスがあって初めて芽生えることから唯一性があり、また困難を乗り越えていく過程に人間にとっての根源的な喜びがあると考える。
 本作品を制作するまでの過程では、60種類のプロトタイピングと6回に及ぶ展示を実施し、一体感の生起に関わる表現の要素や構成についての検討を行った。さらに、一体化(embodiment)の観点から作品の体験を4種類に分類したFelsによる先行研究を参照し、作品中の随所に一体感が向上していくようなきっかけを設定した。この作品を初めて体験する4名を対象に、体験中に考えていたことをVideo Cued Recall手法により想起してもらい、体験中の様子を記録した動画と合わせて分析した。その結果、多くの場面において、体験の中で手指の動かし方が作品の構成に応じて変化することを通して、一体感が向上していったことが確認できた。しかしながら、「見立て」がうまくできないと一体感が向上しない、体験中に目標が変化したことで一体感が喪失する、といったことが起きていたことも分かった。これらの結果から、一体感が向上するにはFelsが分類した4つのうち、2つが同時に起きる期間があることが重要であるということが示唆された。それを「grasp」と名付け、Felsの分類を拡張することを提案した。

Concerning the relationship between humans and tools, machines, etc. he conducted research relating to “embodiment,” which deals with relationships in which one incorporates (embodies) the other. Among these, the direction of “embodiment of the other” that began with the rubber hand illusion by Botvinick & Cohen (1998), has been applied to extensions of the body in VR and robotics, and to designs that capture intuitiveness in interfaces in terms of their relationship to the body. On the other hand, as is the case in playing musical instruments and horseback riding, “embodiment” must also have the direction of “becoming one with others” through one’s adaptation to others. This relationship is expressed in the phrase “jinba ittai” or “the unity of rider and horse; becoming one.” This kind of relationship is unique because it can only bud through a persons own learning process in the interaction, and he believes that the process of overcoming difficulties is a fundamental source of joy for human beings.
 In what way would it be best to design a process to obtain such feelings? In order to tackle this question he created a work called Grasp(er). The goal of this work was to create a sense of unity through the transformation of hand structures and movements using motion tracking. In the process of creating this work, 60 prototypes were made and 6 exhibitions were held, and the elements of expression and composition related to the generation of a sense of unity were examined. Further, referring to a previous study by Fels who classified the experience of the work into four types from the viewpoint of the embodiment, opportunities were set up throughout the work to enhance the sense of unity. He asked four people who were experiencing the work for the first time to recall what they were thinking during the experience using the Video Cued Recall method, and analyzed the results in combination with video recordings of the experience. As a result, it was confirmed that in many situations, the sense of unity was enhanced through the way the hand movements changed during the experience in accordance with the composition of the work. However, it was also found that the sense of unity did not improve if the “idea” was not done well, and that sense of unity was lost when the goal changed during the experience. These outcomes suggest that for the sense of unity to improve, it is important to have periods where two of the four categories of Fels’ classification occur at the same time. He named that “grasp,” and proposed to extend Fels’ classification.
