
Research on a method of imagining an object existing in real space by using a device that makes pointing movements toward an invisible object

 修士作品として、こうした現象を積極的に利用することで、実空間上の映像的体験をもたらす装置を開発した。この装置は、不可視の仮想的な対象に対し、「そこに対象があるかのようなふるまい」を行うことを通して、鑑賞者に対して実空間上での対象に向けた想像を喚起する。具体的には、空間を動き回る不可視の対象に対して指差し動作を行うことで、鑑賞者に不可視の存在のふるまいを感じさせる装置として“Informalized Void”を開発した。

When we are having some sort of visual experience, a detailed image is presented with the subject of attention on the display. It is typical to perceive that subject through the screen. In recent times, interfaces that display a spatial subject like VR and AR have started to become widespread but even in this instance the structure does not change as through some display-like device a detailed image of the subject of attention is presented and we perceive the subject through that device. However, our methods for conveying spatial images are not limited to these direct/visual ones, and can also include indirectly portraying an image of a situation we want to imagine and in-turn, we can make the other party imagine that subject and situation. By focusing on such indirect expressions that evoke the viewer’s imagination, we may be able to explore unknown visual experiences.
 With such a background as a basis, this research focuses on the “behaviour as if there is an object over there” ideas of humans and machines towards virtual objects. The people who wear the VR goggles wave their hands as if there is an object there and show actions as if they are trying to touch that said object. Further, even if the people in the near vicinity cannot see the virtual object itself, by seeing these behaviours alone it is possible for them to gain a fixed cognition of the invisible virtual objects position and movements. The author has reached the discovery of the early stages of a new visual experience in this phenomenon where he does not display an image directly but rather evokes the imagination of the audience by providing clues that suggest the image he wants to convey.
 By proactively using such a phenomenon he developed a device that brings about a visual experience in the real space as a master’s work. This device through doing “actions as if there is an object over there” towards an invisible virtual object evokes the imagination of the audience towards said object in the real space. In more concrete terms, through making movements as if pointing fingers towards an invisible object that is moving around the air, Informalized Void was developed as a device to make the audience feel the movements of an invisible existence.
 In this research, he presented unknown possibilites for visual experiences in the real space by searching for expressions that evoke the viewer’s imagination through these devices. Additionally, from the practice towards improving the feeling of the existence of an invisible object that the devices expresses, he created knowledge about the time when designing the movements of “the impossibility of constant ‘surrounding environment description'”, “the introduction of ‘interval to stimulate understanding” and “the balance in consistency of position and impression of movement” finger-pointing robot.
