BMX Graffitiの実践と考察

BMX Graffiti Practice and Consideration

 本研究のBMX Graffitiは、自転車とグラフィティの組み合わせにおいて、逃走手段としての一面を超え、創造的な表現へと昇華させている。BMX Graffitiは、都市の様々な場所で独自の芸術を生み出し、その瞬間瞬間を捉えることに重点を置いている。このアプローチは、都市空間を単なる移動の舞台から創造的なキャンバスへと転換する。BMXの身体的な動きとグラフィティの視覚芸術を融合させることにより、一時的なパフォーマンスは、紙に描かれた永続的なアート作品として、または、瞬間的な軌跡を永続化する視覚記録として、それぞれ異なる形で保存される。
 BMX Graffitiの実施には、BMX用に設計されたスプレー缶を取り付ける技術的な工夫が必要である。BMXの前輪に固定された装置は、ライダーがブレーキレバーを操作することでペイントを噴射する。これにより、BMXのトリックが実行されると同時に、ペイントが地面に描かれ、トリックの動きが軌跡に変換される。異なる色のスプレー缶を用いることで、多彩なビジュアルを創出することも可能となる。この方法で、BMXのダイナミックな動きとグラフィティの視覚的表現を統合し、都市空間を新しい視点で捉え直す。

A bike is the best escape method. Especially after spraying graffiti in urban spaces.
 Due to its high level of mobility and ability to rapidly move through tight alleyways and streets, one can swiftly escape after the criminal act. Further, compared to a skateboard a bike is quieter, and stands out less making it the optimal mobility tool for a criminal. While this aspect as a means of escape is emphasized, there are few examples of new expansive experiences from the crossover between graffiti and bikes.
 In this study on BMX Graffiti, from the combination of bikes and graffiti the aspect of bikes as an escape method is surpassed, and elevated towards a view of creative expression. BMX Graffiti is a project of creating original art in various places within the city and places an important emphasis on capturing the moment. This approach converts the city space from simply being a stage of movement to a creative canvas. By the physical movements of BMX and its fusion with the visual graffiti art, the temporary performance preserves artworks in each of their differing forms as an ever-lasting artwork drawn on paper, or as a visual record of temporary tracks made perpetual.
 For the carrying out of BMX Graffiti the spray can attached for BMX use required technical ingenuity to install. The fixed device at the front wheel of the BMX allows the rider to spray paint by operating the brakes. Through this method at the same time as executing the BMX tricks the paint is drawn on the ground and they are transformed into traces of the trick movement. By using sprays of different colors it also becomes possible to create a colorful visual work. Through this method the dynamic movements of BMX and the visual expression of graffiti are synthesized, and the cityspace is recaptured with a new point of view.
 By acting in the way outlined, the temporary performance is elevated to an ever-lasting visual artwork and by using the city environment as a canvas, a novel cultural dialogue is generated. In this study the traditional cognition of BMX and graffiti is redefined and they are used as means of social expression. This implementation reconsiders the interaction with the city space and aims to birth a new cultural meaning for BMX and graffiti.

1998年福岡県生まれ。九州産業大学理工学部、芸術学部を卒業後に入学。修士研究ではCritical Cyclingを軸にして制作活動を行った。