Observing Variation: in Sliced Loin Hams

Observing Variation: in Sliced Loin Hams
Expressive research on video installations that reveal diverse differences

 この気づきから、一概に差異を可視化するだけでなく、さまざまな性質の差異を顕在化させ、それぞれの差異が生じる由来を辿ることを目的に、修士作品《Observing Variation: in Sliced Loin Hams》という作品群を制作した。修士作品《Observing Variation: in Sliced Loin Hams》は、既存のスライスロースハムをモチーフに音と映像を用いて制作した《Emerge》、《Fill》、《Facies》、《Breath》の4作品からなる作品群である。スライスロースハムは均一な製造/加工プロセスを経て、正円に近いカタチをした「モノ」として人々の食生活に溶け込んでいる。本作では、スライスロースハム特有の製造プロセスや物質性から生じる1枚1枚の微かな差異に注目し、均質化されたスライスロースハムに潜在するさまざまな差異を映像インスタレーション作品で表現し、顕在化させた。

In this study she searched for an expression that would cause the manifestation of various differences.
 The author up until this point has come to visualize with video methods faint differences not visible to the human eye that lay dormant in “objects” which are of the same color, shape and appear uniform. One of her efforts in this visualization was her past work “Lag,” in which she focused on processed meats that appear to be uniform “objects,” and in particular it was a work that handled the differences in wiener sausages. Through this work, she noticed that in the differences there existed various qualities and there was diversity in the differences.
 From these realizations, she created her master’s work, “Observing Variation: in Sliced Loin Hams,” with the objective of not just indiscriminately visualizing these differences but rather bringing about the manifestation of the nature of the differences and tracing the origin of each difference. The master’s work “Observing Variation: in Sliced Loin Hams” is a group of four works “Emerge,” “Fill,” “Facies,” and “Breath,” which were created with sound and video using pre-existing sliced roast ham as a motif. Through the uniform production and manufacturing process of sliced loin ham it has integrated into peoples eating habits as an “object” taking the shape of a perfect circle. In this work the faint differences in each and every slice of ham that come about as a result of the sliced loin hams unique manufacturing process and physicality are focused on. She brought about the manifestation and expressed through video installation works the various differences that are contained in the homogenized sliced loin hams.
 Through this work, she analyzed the origins and nature of each of the 9 differences that were discovered. Through dividing the differences from the viewpoints of: differences brought about as a result of the ham having been a living being “traces of the organism” and differences brought about by the processing “traces of processing,” she acquired a framework for comprehending in rather precise detail the differences that could be realized from sliced loin hams. According to those divisions she examined the effects and limitations of this expression being developed as a video installation, the images that came to surface through the differences, and the positioning of the expressions that realized the differences. Furthermore, based on that investigation she will use it as a lead to link with future expressions.
