
Questioning the Politics and Ethics of ‘Listening’ in Postcolonial Practices of Music Composition: A Study on the Creation of “Listening Within the Opacities of Our Times and Places”


For more than 20 years, the author has been creating and presenting works as a composer, while collaborating with people from various backgrounds in different parts of the world. Such a relational practice of composition, involving numerous agents in its creative processes, is fraught with the danger of exploitation. The composer could use these agents’ ‘voices’ as their compositional materials and even control how these ‘voices’ may be listened. In this sense, the act of composing is always associated with the issues of power.
 The author’s graduation work for a master’s degree [Master’s Work] entitled “Listening Within the Opacities of Our Times and Places,” is a work of composition that challenges this compositional power and tries to use and share it with people, in order to ‘listen’ with respect for the inherent agencies of sound. By being critical of their own listening positionality, the author proposes the possibility of encountering the Other and listening to their voices in an aesthetical as well as ethical way—even when faced with the undeniable reality of colonial history —beyond the dichotomy of oppressor/oppressed or living/dead.?
 The thesis examines this Master’s Work in the context of contemporary discourses in musicology, postcolonial criticism, gender/queer studies, and feminist clinical philosophy. The study aims to question the meaning and responsibility of ‘composing’––which is fundamentally a Western concept––in the postcolonial era. It argues the importance of investigating the politics and ethics of ‘listening’ through the practices of music composition that engage with the Other, especially when the ‘listening’ is mediated by the technologies of reproduction.?
 Chapter 1 outlines the background of the study, reviewing the decontextualizing nature and standardizing force of Western music and how Japan ended up colonizing their own people’s ‘listening’ by systematically introducing Western music to their society for geopolitical reasons. The chapter also establishes the author’s positionality as a Japanese, who is complicit in colonization of Ainu people, among others.
 Chapter 2 organizes––in relation to previous research and case studies in musicology, such as Small’s ‘Musicking’ and its criticisms––the author’s compositional practice to date around the following four themes: ‘music as an experience,’ ‘collective creation processes and participatory performances,’ ‘performative listening,’ and ‘technologies of recording and reproduction.’?
 Chapter 3 reflects on the composition of “During the War, There Once Was a Niwen Horipi in My Father’s Village,” which precedes the Master’s Work and was inspired by the author’s encounter and parting with an Ainu elder. The revision of this piece directly resulted in the creation of Master’s Work.?
 Chapter 4 details the composition and presentation of the Master’s Work “Listening Within the Opacities of Our Times and Places.” Referencing Glissant’s ‘Right to Opacity’ as a key concept that may help us in ‘listening’ carefully and ethically to the relationships between the Japanese and the Ainu, or between the settlers and indigenous people in Tasmania, the chapter ponders the multifaceted nature and impact of technologies that mediate ‘listening’ and elaborates on the creative process and thinking behind the composition of Master’s Work.
 Finally, Chapter 5 contemplates on the significance and challenges of the Master’s Work and proposes a possibility, as well as a hope, in sharing the compositional power through ‘re-composition’––or subversive repetitions of composing and listening––and opening the postcolonial practices of music composition to the plurality of voice.
