掲示板における行方不明者の二次創作的主体性の探求 ──映像作品『プレイング知らん人たち』の制作を通じて──

Exploring the Bulletin Board and the Secondary Subjectivity of Missing Persons – Through the production of the video work "I p l/r ay complete stranger" –


The purpose of this study is to reconsider the existence of missing persons, to apply those reconsidered implications into an expression, and to appropriately convey this to viewers. Missing persons are generally represented as “an object that is being looked for.” However, what can be seen by observing the process of forming the word and its representation is the latent power that the word “missing person” holds.
 What we see here is a situation where the relations between ourselves and missing persons do not extend beyond “searching – being searched for.” When using the word “missing persons” it is presumed that there are contrasting and stable relations between us and the missing persons such as in instances like “the not missing me” and “the other who is missing,” and “me who is searching” and “the other who is being searched for.” But the information environment brought about by the world view of human relations in recent years, and in situations where we keep in mind the downward trend in the number of missing persons, those stable relations if anything can come to surface as an issue. These issues can surface due to this sense of stability creating an opportunity for reflection of how we or the people around us could possibly become missing which is difficult to stomach. It is for that reason there needs to be an investigation into a different type of representation for the existence of missing persons. In this thesis paper, when searching for that different type of representation, he paid attention to bulletin boards used in existing search systems and analyzed them. The provisional answers in those search systems are summarized into the term “the subjectivity of derivative works” of missing persons.
 There are two contexts of “seeing” bulletin boards / posters; one is seeing the poster itself inside the glass box, and the other is seeing the glass box itself in addition to the poster. Firstly, people who look at the posters recall the persons of the past as <that is = the past = something that existed>. However, by looking at the glass itself at the same time a peculiar sense of being in the present arises. The reflection on the glass in front of the bulletin board of the cityscape becomes a metaphor for the landscape seen by the person on the board. Through the act of looking at the scenery being looked at, the eyes do not meet. Through the connection of this look that occurs from the reflection of the bulletin board on the glass, the missing person begins to hold an identity (aura) as a derivative work. He organized this through the identity (aura) theory of Walter Benjamin and Hiroki Azuma.
 Having absolutely no connection to our lives, and from simply being “an object that is being searched for” they are to be affirmatively perceived as an existence that continues to gaze at us. As we continue to move busily in our post-modern society we silently question where those gazes that come from a place of stillness are looking. Therefore, we cannot completely say that our whereabouts are not unknown in going from relations of “searching – being searched for” to relations of being a “mirror image.” There is potential in the gazes of the bulletin board to question the possibility that we are the ones who are missing. For his master’s work, he used various media to express these contents and created a video work, “I p l/r ay complete stranger.”
