ENDO Satsuki


Practice and consideration of videography for confronting the inner self

本研究は映像制作を通して??の内?と向き合うための実践の記録とその考察である。 筆者は映像制作に先?って、筆者の妹の友?何?かにインタビューを?った。インタビューの対象としたのは、筆者の妹の友?数名と筆者の従姉妹である。幼少期から遡って現在に?るまでの経緯を巡って、?構造化インタビューの形式で?った。
 (1) 撮影に?るまでの?分の?動を回想録として記述した。
 (2) 映像を?て、撮影時に主観的に感じていたことを思い出しまとめた。
 (3) 映像をさらに観察し、(2)よりも客観的な視点を意識して??分析した。 以上のような??分析ができたのは、撮影した映像に映る?分に気づいていなかった側?を?出したからである。これは、映像にもともと?分の意図してなかった様?が映っていたからだと考える。また、当初は習作のつもりで撮影したため、気負うことなく?分のありのままを表現することに繋がったのではないだろうか。
 以上のように、筆者は??の?の悩みから出発して、??の内?と向き合うための映像制作と分析を?うに?った。 本論?は筆者の実践の記録と、それについてのより?般的、客観的な評価で構成する。実践部分に関しては??の内?に向き合うことに関しての実践であるため、筆者の個?的な事柄が多く含まれる。

This study is a record and discussion of the author’s practice of confronting one’s inner self through filmmaking. The author interviewed several friends of the author’s sister prior to the video production. The interviewees were several friends of the author’s sister and the author’s cousin. The interviews were conducted in the form of unstructured interviews over the course of their lives from childhood back to the present. In the course of the interviews, I was able to catch a glimpse of how they are living their lives in their own way. I understood that they had the same concerns as the author. I was also able to transcribe the three interviews and analyze about them. Through the interviews, I realized that although I could recognize and analyze others, I could not recognize and analyze myself in the same way. Therefore, I decided to create a video work about myself. Prior to shooting the video, we decided on a rough plot and props to be used. The pre-decided content was the healing of his own emotional wounds with bandages. No storyboard was created, but a simple scenario was constructed in my mind. The filmed video, together with the interview recordings, was exhibited at the university as an interim presentation of the master’s research. After that, I once again reviewed my research plan at the time of entering the master’s program, and began to think that it would be okay to make a work not about society or others, but for myself. As a result, I decided to cancel the main shooting and to change the positioning of the study and find significance in the fact that I shot the study itself. In other words, he positioned the filmmaking as a means of observing and analyzing his own inner world, rather than for showing to others. In order to use the video work as a means of observing and analyzing my inner self, I did the following (1) I described my actions leading up to the filming as a memoir. (2) I watched the footage and recalled and summarized what I was subjectively feeling at the time of the filming. (3) Observed the video images further and conducted a self-analysis with a more objective perspective in mind than (2). The above self-analysis was possible because I discovered aspects of myself that I had not noticed in the images I had taken. I believe that this is because the images showed aspects of myself that I had not originally intended to see. In addition, since the film was initially intended as a study piece, it may have led the filmmaker to express himself as he was without being self-conscious. As described above, the author started from her own emotional distress, and came to produce and analyze images to confront her inner self. This paper consists of a record of the author’s practice and a more general and objective evaluation of it. The practical part of the paper includes many personal matters, as it is about facing one’s own inner self. Personal matters are discussed in Chapters 1 and 2. The actual practice went through twists and turns, but the process itself is also meaningful, so it has been described without omitting anything as much as possible. Chapter 1 summarizes the general transition of the practice, and Chapter 2 describes in detail what kind of practice was carried out, with specific details of each process. Comparisons and evaluations with prior works are described in Chapter 3, and a discussion and summary of the practices are given in Chapter 4.
