
Experiencing Color as a Manifestation of Relationships: The Creation of Artworks Using the Structural Colors of Peacocks


This paper focuses on the problem of the fixation of senses brought about by symbolic stereotypes and the possibility of the experiential perception of color. Whilst touching on the history of color and the transformation of its value system, color is taken to be the “manifestation of relations” pivoting around redefining color as a bodily experience. Color has come to play a critical role in culture, and arts, but rather than color expressions having become diversified based on the revolution of science and evolution of media technologies, the handling of different colors as if they are the same has lead to the homogenization of their sense of value. In this research he advocates for the necessity of defining color as the body and its interplay with its environment, and not simply as a physical attribute or piece of information in the trend towards the computerization of colors.
 In more concrete terms, he handles the decorative feathers with eye-patterns at the top of the barbed tail covert feathers of peacocks which possess color structure as new colors. He defines that colors are not visual attributes but rather a dialogue with the environment, matter, and body. He suggests a liberation from the fixation of color sense borne from the historical symbolism of peacock feathers and for the surfacing of color as a dynamic process of bodily experiences.
 This phenomenological approach with regards to color is divided into three categories in this research. In the first category an attribution and functionality based approach to define colors as “informational colors” is taken, whereas the second category takes an approach of including material properties in defining color as “physical colors”. Finally, the third category is an approach which defines colour as its interplay with the environment, with the body as a foundation termed “experiential colors.” These approaches disassemble the existing stereotypes with regards to colors, and display a differing directionality in the interpretation of each color.
 In his master’s work “Entwined within the Nuances of Light,” out of the three ways to interpret colors he focuses on both of the axes relating to physical colors and experiential colors. In the midst of dialogues about peacock feathers which have unique color-producing structural materials, he made a space to experience an artwork concerning the relation between the environment and physicality in space as a critical point. Keeping in mind that peacock feathers have the symbolism as coming from a special animal and the strong image of the eye-pattern on their tail feathers, he directs one’s attention to the materials own characteristics by taking apart these symbolic stereotypes.
 Through the production of this artwork, he emphasizes that color is not an informational attribute separate from materiality and physicality, but rather a manifestation of all “relations” and defines the importance of viewing it as a process of bodily experience. Colors are based on human experiences, and the manifestation of relations that come about as a result of their interplay with the environment. He calls for an awareness regarding the complexities and richness of physically and responsively experiencing colors.
