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2020定11埖26晩に仝マイクロパフォ`マティビティ々のテ`マについてジャ`ナル〆Performance Research Vol.25 Issue 3〇が侵佩されました。カストロ?ホアン彈縮娩が仝Non-terrestrial Material Agency (仇白翌マテリアル?エ`ジェンシ`) 々について篠後しています。鵡Pはカストロ?ホアン彈縮娩と消隠弥士埼╋狡γ石g寄僥縮娩です。云催のエディタ`はバイオア`トの弊順議な慷であるJens Hauser┘灰撻鵐路`ゲン寄僥冩梢Tです。


On Microperformativity
This issue aims to scrutinize both the epistemological and aesthetic potential of the notion of `microperformativity¨. The concept denotes a current trend in theories of performativity and performative artistic practices to destabilize human scales (both spatial and temporal) as the dominant plane of reference and to emphasize biological and technological micro-agencies that relate the invisibility of the microscopic to the incomprehensibility of the macroscopic. Investigations into microperformativity redefine what art, philosophy and the technosciences actually consider a `body¨ today, in times when performance art shifts towards generalized and pervasive performativity in art. Microperformative positions enquire how artistic methods can engage critically with technologies that exploit life on a microscopic and molecular level to merge bio- and digital media, including for global capitalization. How can performative art and discourses inform these processes to think biopolitics and necropolitics in relation to the dystopia of economy and the utopia of ecology alike? This issue contains contributions on biotechnological performances, physiological processes and micro-gestures, traditional rituals and techniques of craft, on microperformativity seen through the lens of the natural sciences, as well as in economics in times of algorithmic finance and high frequency trading.